APRESENTAÇÃO DA FERRAMENTA DE PESQUISA Word_Freq_Children: This word-frequency “corpus” is the result of analyses of children’s storybooks used in Portuguese kindergartens and primary-school books used in the teaching of reading and spelling. The total number of words entered for frequency analysis was 120,666 (token) from where 10,517 different words (type) emerged. It is, thus, a resource, that may be useful to design psycholinguistic and educational research tools especially adjusted for interventions whose participants are children. By displaying this tool in open access we hope to contribute to solve a gap – the inexistence of a frequency count “corpus” especially designed for the earlier ages.
Author: João Rosa (CIE-ISPA / CIED-ESELx).
"In order to find words or their constituent parts, please use Ctrl f".
Word | Frequency of Occurrence | Frequency Percentile |
abóbada | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
aborrecido | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
abrem | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
acontecido | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
acontecimento | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
adivinhar | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
adjetivo | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
adormecer | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
adormeceu | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
afasto-me | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
agradável | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
álbuns | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
alfabética | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
aniversário | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
anúncio | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
armas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
arroz | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
arte | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
au | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
aventuras | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
bagos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
balde | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
baleia | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
bate | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
batia | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
bebés | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
bétulas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
bichos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
bico | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
bocados | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
bolinhas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
bondade | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
bonecas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
brilhavam | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
búzios | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
caçador | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
caíam | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
cansava | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
cantavam | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
capote | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
caracolinho | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
caroço | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
carregados | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
casar | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
casca | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
cem | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
chamam-se | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
chamas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
classificação | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
coberta | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
cobertas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
comboios | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
comia | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
composição | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
comuns | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
conheço | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
continua | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
continuava | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
convida | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
coragem | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
corta | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
costume | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
cravos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
criado | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
decidiu | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
deixar | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
desce | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
desceu | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
dessas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
diálogo | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
diferença | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
direito | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
disse-me | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
distância | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
diz-me | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
elogios | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
encontro | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
engraçadinho | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
entrevista | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
escreve-as | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
escrevia | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
espantada | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
espantado | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
especial | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
espero | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
estradas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
existem | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
falavam | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
fazendo | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
figos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
fogão | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
fores | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
fossem | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
gigante | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
gira | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
girafa | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
gramática | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
grito | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
grupos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
guardado | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
horta | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
imagem | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
imaginar | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
imóvel | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
inteira | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
interpretação | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
interrogação | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
lágrima | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
lenha | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
levemente | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
lia | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
linha | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
lobos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
loiro | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
luvas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
maio | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
manada | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
maravilhosa | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
maravilhoso | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
mármore | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
marreca | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
mastros | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
matar | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
meias | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
melões | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
mercador | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
mia | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
moleira | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
moram | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
morava | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
mortos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
mudo | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
negociante | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
neto | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
nota | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
notícias | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
novembro | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
oceano | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
oito | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
ombros | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
ouviram | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
pá | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
palhacinhos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
parado | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
partes | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
pastora | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
pastores | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
peregrinos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
perguntaram | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
perigos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
pertence | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
pertencem | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
pescar | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
pinturas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
poderás | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
pontuação | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
portuguesa | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
portugueses | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
presença | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
preta | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
primeiros | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
quinta | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
rabiga | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
raio | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
rapazes | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
ratinhos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
redondo | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
relógio | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
reparar | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
rezou | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
ria | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
rimem | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
sábado | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
sabor | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
sapão | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
satisfeitos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
saudade | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
seca | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
secar | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
segredo | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
segunda | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
senhoras | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
sintáticas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
sonhos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
sótão | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
sublinha | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
sugere | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
susto | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
tamanho | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
telhado | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
tenhas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
tenta | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
testa | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
tipos | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
tomate | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
transporte | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
trás | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
traz | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
tristes | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
últimas | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
única | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
vender | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
venho | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
viam | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
violino | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
vou-te | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
zebra | 8 | 82,8848530949891 |
E-mail: cie@ispa.pt