• Following the development of the educational package by the consortium (Curriculum, Teachers' Guide, Students' Handbook), a train the trainers 5-day workshop will occur next September 2017 in Cyprus, where at least 1 trainer from each partner organisation (one representative from ISPA teamwork) will participate in order to be trained by the people who have been involved in the development of this package. This will help them in better understanding the training content, the case studies, the group exercises and the format of the training. Each trainer will undertake to teach the other trainers in the domain of his/her expertise those topics/subjects that he/ she has developed, so that each participant will become a trainer and a trainee at the same time. The main objective of the workshop will be the sharing of ideas/ knowledge/ methodology and experiences on how to deliver the training during the pilot testing phase. This would be useful in order to structure the training programme of the teachers, based on equal terms as far as the contribution of the participants is concerned. Following their return to their country, each trainer will also train the other trainers that will be involved in the pilot testing phase. (Publication date: 2017-06-23)


  • The meeting took place on the 23rd of September, 2017 at the premises of Cyprus Pedagogical Institute. The meeting was very important to be held after the implementation of the 5 days Train the Trainers event in Cyprus in order to make conclusions about the suggestions and decisions made throughout the 5 training days. Also, it was a great opportunity for all partners to make necessary decisions for the continuation of the next planned activities regarding the piloting phase and fine tuning of HOPEs educational materials. The meeting was attended by 10 participants from 7 participating organizations (Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, Institute of Development, ICEP Europe, Panteion University, GrantXpert Consulting Ltd, Malta University and ISPA). The meeting was important for all partners to provide their input to partners from IoD and ISPA (as the coordinators of IO3,4,5) for making necessary amendments. (Publication date: 2017-09-25)

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E-mail: cie@ispa.pt