

We have a large network of international connections with researchers from several universities (e.g. Aachen, Bologna, Carleton, Curtin, Extremadura Groningen, Helsinki, Katiawala Bwila Angola, London, Malta, Minas Gerais, Munich, Murdoch, Oxford, Paraná,Roma La Sapienza, St. Patrick’s College Ireland, Saint Joseph Macau, São Paulo USP, Jean Jaurès Toulouse).


We have several joint publications with these colleagues (see curricula). We organized regular international conferences, symposiums and workshops and are integrated in international networks: European Literacy Network; A network developed in Brazil with CEPEC-SP, EMPATHIE association and UNITALO; Network of Researchers in Language Policy in Latin America and Other Regions and participated in meetings of international associations as EARLI, IAIMTE, ISIPAR. We developed joint research and intervention projects: 1 COMENIUS European project Keeping Cool Europe - ENhancing Teachers REsilience in Europe; 2 Erasmus + projects (SUnStAR - Supporting UNiversity STudents at Risk of Dropping Out and HOPEs - Happiness, Optimism, Positivity and Ethos in Schools); we participated in 1 COST Action: Teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours towards multilingualism and the challenges of multilingual classrooms (European Literacy Network Cost Action IS1401) and 2 intervention projects financed by other entities

Horários e Contactos
