Liliana Salvador is graduated in Philosophy from Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Master in Educational Psychology from ISPA-IU; PhD in Educational Psychology from ISPA-IU, and a member of the CIE research team (ISPA-IU) where she collaborates in projects in the area of written language acquisition, namely, in writing and reading difficulties and also projects of parental involvement and participatory arts. She is co-author in several papers published in national and international journals. She teaches several curricular units at ISPA-IU and she is also a founding member of Associação - Espaço de Psicologia, Educação e Saúde, where she works as an educational psychologist mainly with children with specific learning difficulties, and provides professional advice to schools, teachers and parents.
Participation in ongoing funded research projects:
“Diários de Um Interior” funded by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (2019-2021) – PARTIS: Práticas Artísticas para a Inclusão Social, 3rd edition.
"Diários de um Interior" is a participatory art project that has two fundamental, interrelated and mutually complementary dimensions - artistic and educational - that contribute equally to the pursuit of the same goal: social inclusion of individuals and communities that live in the interior regions of Portugal and are at risk of losing their identity, history and culture. This project includes the development of artistic, cultural and educational skills, the empowerment of individuals (students, parents, teachers), and is designed to promote social cohesion, parental involvement in children’s schooling and develop alternative teaching practices.
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Associação - Espaço de Psicologia, Educação e Saúde
MEF - Movimento de Expressão Fotográfica
Câmara Municipal do Sardoal
Agrupamento de Escolas do Sardoal