José Castro Silva

Corpo Docente

José Castro Silva
José Castro Silva

Informação Geral

Categoria Académica: 
Assistant Professor
Educational Psychology
Unidade de Investigação: 
Centre for Educational Research | CIE-ISPA

Biographical note

José Castro Silva, PhD in Educational Sciences, specialization in Organizational Leadership is an Assistant Professor at ISPA-Instituto Universitário. He lectures in Educational Psychology, Educational Sciences and Learning and Motivation, and also has experience with teacher training programs focused on special education needs and teacher professional development. His current research interests include teacher professional development and wellbeing, school organizational climate, culture, and health, and information and communication technology in education. He is a team member of the Centre for Educational Research - CIE-ISPA, and project team member of European funded projects - ENTREE (ENhancing Teacher REsilience in Europe), ERAMUS+ HOPE's (Happiness, Optimism and Ethos in Schools), and ERAMUS+ SUnStAR (Supporting UNiversity STudents At Risk of dropping out).

Research Interests

His current research interests include teacher professional development and wellbeing, school organizational climate, culture, and health, and information and communication technology in education.

Current PhD students (supervision and co-supervision)

Manuela Santos Marques da Silva

Adaptation and Drop out in Higher Education - factors of influence

Deolinda N'Dala

Teachers' perceptions about the state of Implementation of School Inclusion and Teacher Training in Public Schools of Angola


Marold Wosnitza (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

Caroline Mansfield (Murdoch University, Australia)

Susan Beltman (Curtin University, Australia)

Eleftheria Gonida (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

Carmel Cefai (University of Malta, Malta)

Ralph Delzepich (Zab Consult)


Luis Miguel Folgado Ferreira (PhD Student until 2017)

Horários e Contactos
