Vera Monteiro

Corpo Docente

Vera Monteiro
Vera Monteiro

Informação Geral

Categoria Académica: 
Associate Professor
Educational Psychology
Unidade de Investigação: 
Centre for Educational Research | CIE-ISPA

Biographical note

Obtained her degree and Master in Educational Psychology at ISPA and her PhD in the same area at the University of Lisbon. She is a member of ISPA’s Faculty since 1991. Throughout the years she has taught different subjects in the curriculum of the Integrated Master in Psychology, namely Educational Psychology, Development and Education, Evaluation and learning and Thesis Seminar. Beyond teaching she is an investigator in the Research Unit on Cognitive, Developmental and Educational Psychology I & D Unit (UIPCDE) at ISPA. Her investigations have centered in the areas of Social interactions, Motivation for learning and Pedagogical Evaluation. At this moment the team she is working with,  tries to analyze the relations between motivation and learning and the contexts of learning. In particular she studies the motivation for Portuguese language and Mathematics and its relation to classroom environment, teacher motivation, school evaluation, performance and age amongst other aspects. In the field of Social interactions she is investigating particularly tutoring and the benefits (cognitive, motivational and emotional) derived from it by the subjects participating in it. Some of her projects have been subsidized by FCT within the scope of ISPA’s Research Unit on Cognitive, Developmental and Educational Psychology I & D Unit (UIPCDE). She was elected for the Executive Committee of EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) in August of 2009. She is presently the President of ISPA’s Pedagogical Council.

Research Interests

My research interests are Assessment and Feedback and their relation with learning. I investigate how assessment and feedback processes can optimize learning.  These may be through affective processes, such as motivation, engagement, self-perception competence or/and through a number of different cognitive processes. That´s why I am also interested in students Motivation to learn, particularly in the domain of self-determination theory.  I study some topics and processes of student’s motivation and I test their application to the contexts of learning, especially to the context of assessment in classroom.

Current PhD students (supervision and co-supervision)

Maria Edite Oliveira

PAIAS: Support Programme for Academic and Social Integration (PAIAS: Programa de Apoio à Integração Académica e Social).

Pedro Salgueiro

Psychological dimensions in the integration process of higher education students (Dimensões psicológicas no processo de integração dos estudantes no ensino superior)

Ana Rita Reboredo

Perception of parental acceptance / rejection in the 2nd and 3rd cycles and its relation to psychological adjustment, motivation for learning, academic self-concept and and academic performance (Perceção de aceitação/rejeição parental no 2º e 3º ciclos: sua relação com o ajustamento psicológico, motivação para a aprendizagem, autoconceito académico e desempenho académico)

Bárbara Varela

Assessment practices of teachers from the 1st cycle and its relationship with motivation for learning, classroom climate and academic performance (As práticas avaliativas de professores do 1º ciclo e sua relação coma motivação para a aprendizagem, clima de sala de aula e desempenho académico)



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